The Truth About Psychiatry—A Destructive Agenda
The factual cause of the social decline that marks our age is to be found in the two-hundred-year history of psychiatry. Since its earliest days, when psychiatrists chained, flogged, starved or tortured their patients into total submission, little has changed. Then, as now, the goal was the subjugation of the individual, not to cure madness. The brutal treatments psychiatry evolved and still uses to this day—electroshock therapy, psychosurgery and debilitating drugs—stand as testament to that fact.
Once psychiatry moved beyond its asylum walls and into society came the truly disastrous results. In today’s psychiatry, motivated by its mission to “follow the money”—to quote a contemporary president of the American Psychiatric Association—we are witnessing a profit-driven, corrupt industry that leaves death and destruction in its wake.
Despite trillions of dollars invested in it, psychiatry does not cure or alleviate. On the contrary, psychiatrists ruin lives and undermine our social institutions at huge cost. Something can and must be done about this dangerous profession.
Strong words, perhaps, but based on cold, hard facts. Facts everyone should know.
And the first step to effective action in eliminating this scourge is knowing the truth of how psychiatry goes about its work.